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Support and Questions
Our SMART Systems Information Center has been created as a one-stop resource for information on integrating your district with SMART Systems and our Express marketplace. Resources include printable user guides that will walk through each aspect of ordering in Express, transferring and placing orders through SMART Systems.
Information has been separated into three different categories, which can be accessed on the left-hand menu. Staff members looking for how to place a supply order should visit the “How to Order” page for video and printable tutorials. Information for the finance/business office and for individuals who process orders in a district can be found in the “How to Process Orders” page. Looking to setup SMART Systems integration? Visit the “How to Set Up Integration” page.
If you have any questions about integration that are not answered in this Information Center, concerns about setup, or simply want to have a conversation about how integration can work in your district, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 888-739-3289
7 reasons why your district should consider integration!
- Express integration ensures that teachers and staff are receiving discounted pricing.
- Express allows price comparisons across multiple suppliers.
- Orders that are processed and submitted to SMART Systems are routed through a district’s existing approval process.
- Paperless requisitions make the purchasing procedure from teachers to staff a fluid process.
- Forgot what you ordered last year? No problem! Staff and teachers will be able to see previous orders in Express – making it easier to place future orders.
- Integration offers order placement flexibility. Orders can be placed individually for each teacher, or, the district can combine orders within SMART Systems for a larger, single order to each supplier.
- We make training easy! We have created step-by-step guides that can be shared with staff to help streamline the integration and training process.