Overview Rewrite

CPC and Partnership

Cooperative Partnerships

Cooperative Purchasing Connection (CPC) believes that partnership is the key to a successful purchasing program. CPC itself is a program of eight partnered service cooperatives that serve Minnesota and South Dakota. We also partner with a North Dakota organization called NDESC to serve their North Dakota members.

Association Partnerships

CPC also adopts contracts that result from solicitations run by entities like ourselves. One association of such entities that CPC frequently partners with is the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA).

Vendor Partnerships

CPC partners with vendors that can best serve our members to achieve success. Please read on to learn more about becoming a CPC Vendor.


CPC solicits vendors through a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) and Invitation for Bid (IFB) process. Please note that the process is complex, time-sensitive, and involved. You cannot simply “sign-up” to become a CPC Vendor. That said, there are numerous benefits associated with becoming a CPC Vendor. Notably: members purchasing from CPC Vendors using the CPC Contract do not need to conduct the competitive bidding process themselves.

Please click this link for a detailed walkthrough of the CPC solicitation process.


To receive email notifications about bid opportunities through CPC, visit our Public Purchase Vendor Registration page. Every vendor is given an equal opportunity to participate in solicitations and bidding procedures.

To receive email notification about bid opportunities through AEPA, visit www.aepacoop.org for more information. AEPA is a multi-state (29) nonprofit organization made up of service agencies through a Memorandum of Understanding between all participating states.


CPC solicits vendors according to Minnesota and North Dakota statute. Every state has its own statute authorizing the use of CPC contracts. We have set out the statutes that cover most of our members below.


All solicitations conducted and/or awarded by CPC follow the competitive bidding guidelines established according to MN Statute § 123A.21 and MN Statute §471.345 subdivision 15.

North Dakota

CPC partners with NDESC in North Dakota. Contracts for North Dakota are included in the CPC solicitation via Chapter 54-40.3 of the ND Century Code.

South Dakota

South Dakota schools, nonprofits, municipalities, and agencies are authorized to use CPC’s contracts under SD Codified Laws §5-18A.

Other States

Many states authorize public entities to purchase products and services that have been procured through a competitive process by another public, nonprofit entity like CPC. Purchasing made in this manner are referred to as piggyback contracts. Any entity that is authorized to purchase through a piggyback contract is eligible to leverage CPC’s portfolio of contracts.