How do I start?
Once you are logged in, type in the item you wish to purchase in the search bar in the top, left corner of the page. The more specific, the better. We recommend searching by product name and not a catalog number. Then click search. This will bring up a list of results. Searching with the top search bar allows you to compare pricing between all searchable vendors carrying your product.
Magnifying Glass
Another option is to click on one of the categories on the left side of the page, then click the magnifying glass next to the category name. This will search all of the suppliers in that category. You can also search the suppliers individually by using the magnifying glass under their logo. Another magnifying glass appears underneath some of the supplier logos. Clicking here allows you to search the catalog for that individual supplier.
Clicking the globe icon under a supplier’s logo temporarily allows you to leave Express to search for items on a specific supplier’s website. You can search and create a cart on their site. When you are ready to bring the items back to Express, you check out from the supplier’s website and the items will be transferred to your cart in Express.
Adding Items to Cart
To add items to your cart, click the blue, Add to Cart button. A pop-up window will appear and show the item you placed in your cart along with the options to either keep shopping or view your cart. Clicking continue shopping takes you back to the last page you were on. Clicking “view cart” takes you to your cart where you can adjust quantities or edit your order.
Adjust the Quantity of Items in My Cart
If you punch out to an Express vendor and transfer items from their online store back into Express, you will not be able to adjust the quantity of those items. This happens because Express cannot verify if there are any price changes based upon quantity or shipping if there is a time delay between when you add the items to your cart and when you check out. If you need to adjust quantities, search for the item(s) again within Express and delete the duplicate items in your order.
Buying in bulk from Nasco
Be sure to punchout to the eNasco store for your volume discounts to be applied. To punchout – Click the globe underneath the Nasco icon. This takes you to the eNasco store where you can search and add items to your cart. When you have your cart ready, click Secure Checkout, then on the shipping options click Continue to Payment & Review, review your items and then click Submit Cart and you’ll be back in Express to either keep shopping or checkout.
Timing Out
Express times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. It will warn you when your session is about to expire. Anything that you have placed in your shopping cart will be there when you return. If you were in the middle of any searches when you left, you will need to perform those searches again. If you were punched out to a supplier’s site, it will time out after 30 minutes of inactivity as well.
Why should I use a Shopping List?
To simplify your ordering process, we suggest creating Shopping Lists. Once you find the item you wish to purchase, select a Shopping List from the drop-down menu to the right of the Add to Cart button. Shopping lists will be saved until you choose to delete them. They store your frequently purchased items so the next time you need to order, you simply select the items from the shopping list instead of searching for them again. Your Shopping Lists are stored on the top upper right of your screen.
To save your Shopping Cart to a list, check the gray boxes next to the desired items and then click the Copy Selected button. Then you can choose to create a new shopping list or add the items to an existing shopping list.
Tip: Create the shopping lists within Express. Some suppliers allow you to punch out and create lists on their site. By creating it in Express you are assured no one can accidentally modify it.
Can an order be placed using a P-Card/Credit Card?
Yes, however, some of our suppliers do not accept certain credit cards. After you place an item into your shopping cart, a message will be displayed at the top of your cart indicating whether there is a restriction on placing an order with certain payment types. If a supplier doesn’t take your specific credit card type, you will need to separate the order and use different forms of payment.
Can I ship to multiple locations in a single order?
No. You can only designate a single ship to location. If you need to ship to multiple locations, you will need to place a separate order for each location.
Is there a minimum order?
This will vary by supplier. A warning message will appear in your shopping cart if any of the items’ suppliers have a minimum order amount to qualify for free shipping. Even though your cart total might be over the minimum order amount, only items from the same supplier are counted toward the minimum order total.
If it’s my first order from a specific vendor, what will happen?
This will depend on the vendor. A customer service representative might call or email requesting more information including the need to set up an account with the company and/or provide a copy of your tax exempt form.
After Placing the Order
How do I cancel or edit my order?
Once an order has been placed, we cannot edit it in Express. To cancel or edit the order, contact the supplier directly. To find their contact information, click on the supplier’s logo. The contact info is on the right side.
After Delivery
Returns, exchanges, order cancellations and out of stock items
Any returns, exchanges, or cancellations will be coordinated with the supplier and are subject to their terms. Contact your sales representative prior to placing the order to be sure you understand return or exchange terms. Out of stock items will be handled by the supplier.
An item I purchased on Express is under warranty. Whom should I contact for a repair?
Warranty claims are handled directly with the supplier who filled the order. For example, if you purchased an external hard drive from CDW-G, you should contact CDW-G directly for information on submitting a warranty claim and support.
How do I place a quote request?
To start a quote request, click on the Quotes tab in the top navigation bar and then click New Request. Fill in the blanks by naming the request and setting a deadline for your quote. Next invite the suppliers you would like to respond to your quote. Add the items to your quote request. You can describe the items or use the items’ names and part numbers. Other options include adding notes to the supplier or internal comments for your organization’s records. If you have more detailed information about what you are looking for, you can upload a pdf of any specifications you have. To send the order to the supplier, hit submit. The supplier will respond through Express, so watch your email for a notification that they have returned a quote. Another way to start a quote request is to search for an item and select New Request from the Add to Cart button. Then fill out the form.
Finance Systems
How do I make Express a vendor in my SMART Finance System?
Click here for step-by-step guides to integrate Express and SMART.
How do I make Express a catalog in my Skyward Finance System?
Click here for a step-by-step guide to integrate Express and Skyward.
Account Management
How do I change my password?
Click on My Profile, under your username on the top of the page in the menu bar. Click Change Password. This takes you to a page where you can change your password by entering your current password and then entering your desired password. After you confirm your desired password, click Submit.